Celebrating the Champagne
& Aishihik First Nations Peoples

Krista Reid

Dannch’e. Ayinzhį Krista Reid ùúye.

I have been the Director of Language and Culture at the Da Ku Cultural Centre since 2017, and have enjoyed the challenges, trail breaking initiatives and community involvement that this position has provided. My husband and children’s Ancestors are from this land and are Champagne and Aishihik Citizens. My growing years were spent both in Saskatchewan and central/north Vancouver Island. My maternal line comes from the Haudenosaunee Mohawk People in Ontario/Quebec from where my mother was taken away in 1953, where she grew up away from her people, and her traditional lands. I also have strong family connections on the West Coast.  Some of the exciting things I do in my role here are developing and delivering cultural programs and projects, creating exhibits, managing the collection, working on Museum Standards for our beautiful gathering place. I continue to challenge myself in growth, learning and working towards implementing the Nation’s vision to enrich, empower and connect CAFN citizens to Culture and Language initiatives.  

Gunałchîsh for taking care of me in your territories.